
Sunday, April 10, 2016

#NationalSiblingDay? More Like #OnlyChildProbz

Today is the day where brothers and sisters all around the world will take a break from their disagreements and rivalries and remind each other that even though they don't always get along, they are lucky to have one another. In other words, today is THE MOST DREADED day of the year for an only child. The last thing we want is to hear is how great it is to have siblings in your life. We like to be constantly reassured that they steal your clothes, take all the attention, and get you in trouble. That being said, in honor of National Sibling Day, I will be dedicating this post to all the only children who are feeling left out on this special day.

I don't know about you, but as an only child I often wonder what it would be like if I had siblings. Whenever I'm watching a TV show like FRIENDS or The Vampire Diaries, I can't help but feel jealous about Ross and Monica's hilariously cute relationship or Stefan and Damon's loyal, brotherly love. In fact, it seems like in almost every movie or television show there is some type of sibling bond that comes into play that I can't quite understand, but I know I want to have it.

If Hollywood doesn't already make us feel bad enough, only children have to suffer through an entire day of seeing Instagram photos and Facebook posts about how much our friends and family love their siblings. Meanwhile, we're just chillin' in our beds on social media, scrolling through our phones, eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream and watching the new season of Fuller House on Netflix, wishing we were a part of the Tanner family. (Oh wait, is that just me? Awkward.)

Being an only child can be tough sometimes, especially on a day like today. But, you can't change the family you were born into, so my only advice to you is to own it. Forget all of the lonely thoughts you have when you can't post online about your non-existent siblings and remember that growing up as an only child made you into the strong, independent and wise person you are. You had to learn things on your own and you would be a completely different person if you would've had siblings in your life.

So, forget everything you've learned from Sister Sister and Charmed. Forget about National Sibling Day, and let's start celebrating what made us only children who we are.

1 comment:

  1. This really made me smile! Think that national only child day should be celebrated because we are deserve a day too!
